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Update from Care Opinion

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picture of James Munro

So Patient Opinion finally has a blog.

Well, not quite true - since we did have a blog before, set up for us by our good friends at Headshift. It was fine, but since we rebuilt our site in February 2008 we somehow wanted to be running and hosting our own blog too. You know, so you can fiddle with it.

So here we are, running on blogengine.net, and the plan is to get quite a few of the growing Patient Opinion team onboard and blogging for the first time. Which would be good, given that we are...err... a web-based outfit.

Response from Lee on

Congrats! Good on you for taking the plunge again :-)

Response from James Munro, Chief executive, Care Opinion on

Just a note to say we've (finally!) updated our blog again - it being 2013.

Now, we have it completely integrated into the site, which we hope will give us all kinds of unimagined new possibilities.

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