Hello my name is Clare Forsythe.
I am a Patient and Client Experience Facilitator in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust taking up post at the end of April this year. I have learned so much over these past six months and I want to thank everyone for all your support.
I love how Care Opinion is such a great way for service users, carers and family members to share their experiences of health and social care. The amazing aspect about Care Opinion is how inclusive and accessible it is for everyone to share their story. I look forward to reading about children's own experiences that can now be shared with the help of Care Opinion Bear! Care Opinion for children
I would like to say a special thank you to all the remarkable responders who ensure stories are responded to promptly with openness and empathy. I understand how busy everyone is, so taking the time to respond means a lot, especially to story Authors.
I am very lucky to be currently working with the Social Work, Learning Disability and Adult Community Older Peoples Services teams, who are very keen to receive service users and Carers’ feedback through Care Opinion. A lot of great work has taken place within the teams so far and I look forward to meeting and supporting everyone on this journey.
I’m here to help and support so please feel free to contact me at:
Email: patientexperience@belfasttrust.hscni.net
Tel: 028 9504 6079
Take care everyone and thank you all again!
Clare Forsythe
Patient and Client Experience Facilitator
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
Care Opinion-My first six months
Care Opinion-My first six months https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/ecbb0a18-e727-42d8-a587-aaf9654a5473.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
Posted by Clare Forsythe, Patient and Client Facilitator, Belfast Trust Wide, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, on
About: Belfast Health & Social Care Trust
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