My five-a-day for mental health

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of James Munro

In 2009 we expect to be working hard on bringing the magic of Patient Opinion to the world of mental health services. (Indeed, we're already getting a fair bit of feedback from mental health service users.)

So this seems like a good time to jot down my "five-a-day": five things which help keep me stay sane and grounded in my daily life (as promoted by the excellent Mindapples site).

In no particular order:

  1. texting my children (and getting a reply!)
  2. sitting on the sofa with my wife rewinding each of our days
  3. a run with my friend Mark (but not everyday, sadly)
  4. a little bit of gardening - instant calm
  5. and yes, writing a bit of C# code: very relaxing!


What about you?

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