New Media Awards: we won!

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of James Munro

I can't believe it. I haven't won anything since I was 17... but last night we won a New Statesman New Media award in the "community activism" category.

We're so excited, and delighted, and just really really pleased. Winning an award is so good for making you feel like what you are doing is worthwhile, and could make a real difference, and giving you new resolve to keep going.

Oh dear, this is turning into an acceptance speech. No tears, promise. But I'd like to thank my mum, my dad, and my laptop. Oh, and the many very good friends, and good people, who believe in us and are so supportive.

Response from JimK on

Congratulations on your win! And more power to your elbows! Came across your site by accident whilst investigating a serious hole locally in the NHS net - inability to provide vital palliative drug (morphine) out of hours - will add comment later to your main site. I chair West Somerset Seniors' Forum. We're just over a year old and I'm already finding several causes for concern. We have the highest OAP population (32%, ONS data for 2006) of the 380 LAs in UK - only Christchurch is higher. We are very rural and also have extreme sparsity problems (one of 8 English LAs listed on gov research site) but with only 35k total population, less than 1% of SW Region. We have recently been inundated with health consultations (LINks earlier this year; Extra Care Housing from County in May; Polyclinics from PCT in June and now Darzi from SHA [160 pp to read!])but as such a small group, West Somerset seems to be always ignored. 95% Regional targets can easily be satisfied without any consideration given to solving our problems, which is why we have such concerns about Darzi's recommendations; we'll feed these back to SHA in due course. Sorry to go on - it's hard to know where a responsive ear exists. Your site seems to be the most promising I've found so far. By the way, the website [swsn] is one I set up for South West Seniors Network - 37 Forums representing around 30k older citizens. Currently due for its next update. Regards and Best wishes, Jim

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