I ran a workshop at the recent Patient Opinion regional event. The aim of the workshop was to try and get some creative thoughts and solutions to the task of getting a good body of postings for the different services.
Here were some of the conclusions that we came to:
- There is not one simple formula for each service, its worth thinking from the start about each patient/service user journey and the way that they access their treatment and care. Have a simple strategy for each service.
- Although it’s good to make sure that people can post at any time, for example access to computers on wards and other sites, it’s also good to think about the point at which people might want to feedback. This might be because they want to say thank you or because they want to find a way to say what could be better. Its what we at Patient Opinion call the “thoughtfully passionate” moment, when motivation to feedback is high.
- Although giving information out is all very well, nothing beats some face to face enthusiasm. So whether its reception staff, volunteers or front line staff at the end of a consultation, saying how much they would like to hear the views of the person is a really good motivator.
- Thinking about resources and also what can be done in a physical space is useful. Sometimes you can do a lot without much effort or expense. Feedback corners with opinions and responses printed out from the website promote interest and buy in from people attending a treatment centre. Have leaflets available for those who want to take something away.
- Think about the people you are hoping to encourage. For example, young people are already used to doing things online. How might you guide them to the site?
- There was an acknowledgement that this is about a culture shift and therefore its important to get staff involved make sure they are aware of postings about the trust and service. Staff really start to get it, when they see the positive postings and realise that this helps the shift away from complaining and defensiveness. It was suggested that social marketing techniques will help with the spread of the use of the site. This will really be helped by the launch of the new site and the easy connection to facebook and twitter.
- We also talked about the need to be innovative and creative. PO is a great tool, but it can be used in lots of different ways. Services can invite their users to tell stories on a different theme each month-medication, listening, accessibility. Also try out feedback Fridays where each Friday users are particularly encouraged to feedback their experiences.
So we came out of the workshop with some interesting ideas to think about. Thank you to everyone at the event who took part and if anyone would like to talk about the above do let me know.
Good luck.
Thoughts on encouraging feedback
Thoughts on encouraging feedback http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5213/5392238839_cf2bbbf4d5.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by Tim Hunt, Head of Partnerships and Safeguarding, Care Opinion, on
Thanks for your feedback.