A man arrives at hospital. The doctor says “Hello sir, what brought you in to hospital today?” “An ambulance”, says the man.
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It’s been an ambition of ours for a while to raise the profile of ambulance services on our site. They’re so often overlooked, but undoubtedly ambulance staff play such a big part in many people’s experience of healthcare.
You can imagine then how chuffed we were to receive this incredible feedback today about the Great Western Ambulance Service who serve the people of Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and the former Avon.
Patrick Mulcahy, Head of Clinical Quality for GWAS, has been the driving force (…if you’ll excuse the pun!) in working with Patient Opinion to generate, and respond to, feedback about their emergency and non-emergency services. How brilliant to hear that staff are going out of their way to put people at ease and clearly patients are very grateful to be on the receiving end of this ‘extra mile’ attitude.
Well done to GWAS and thank you to the person who kindly shared their compliments with the service and its staff.
It's all about the journey...
It's all about the journey... http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5095/5512183322_37a65a550e.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by Amy Gaskin-Williams, Team member, Patient Opinion, on
Thanks for your feedback.