Passionate about mental health

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of Amy Gaskin-Williams

Today we officially launch our mental health platform. Of course, people have been sharing stories about mental health services for a long time following our pilot in the 5 Boroughs Partnership back in 2007.

We're hoping lots of people hear about what we're doing and share their story. Jason, who's just joined the Patient Opinion team, is an ex service user and volunteer at primary care addiction services in Sheffield and has an inspiring story to tell about how the independence and honesty of Patient Opinion was crucial in bringing about change in addiction services. Even we're impressed listening to him! We captured him on video and the Society Guardian went one better and put his face on page 3 yesterday. E-health insider ran a story this morning and we know many regional and local papers and radio stations are picking up on the launch today. Phil Hope, Care Services Minister offered his support saying "This partnership means every single Trust in the country can see what they are doing well and what needs to be improved, helping to drive up quality."

Through the course of this year, we've been travelling the length and breadth of England talking to staff and users about what this will mean, how we're doing everything we can to keep the system safe (on both sides) and how the system will lead to real service improvement. It was important to us that we equipped staff with the understanding and skill to communicate directly and honestly with service users, their families and carers through the website . Much more importantly, we wanted to be sure that they knew how to take the comments, suggestions and concerns they would hear and do something meaningful with them. After all, that's what we're all about - making people's experiences count. According to Maria, Head of Service at the 5 Boroughs Partnership during our pilot, the stories she received through Patient Opinion 'made issues real' and gave her the opportunity to 'facilitate some real reflection among staff'. And we have lots of examples, across mental health and acute care, where trusts have demonstrated through their responses on the site that they're truly listening and taking value from peoples stories.

From past experience we know just how honest, passionate and thoughtful people can be on Patient Opinion. We also know that sharing their stories on the site can lead to real improvements in services. What we don't know is what you think of your local mental health services so please share your story and make a difference.

Response from JoSi on

Congratulation to the team on the launch of the mental health platform - patient stories in contrast to 'measurement and statistics' and already a rich source of information. However, until recently there has been little comprehensive, readily accessible data about specialist mental health services (community as well as hospital based services). As background to the stories about particular mental health trusts, users may be interested to view trust level information on the NHS Information Centre for health and social care's MHMDS Online website. See how many people use services, how many are detained under the Mental Health Act, how many on CPA etc etc. Good luck with the site's development.

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