NHS Evidence - action on Darzi recommendation

Update from Care Opinion

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 I know, Darzi again, but this time it's news about something that's really happening...the National Library for Health is being reinvented as NHS Evidence.

A recent National Library for Health Stakeholder Briefing, states

"Earlier this year NICE and the NHS Institute were asked to feed into the Darzi ‘Next Stage Review’ report on how best to provide an innovative and accessible evidence service that will demonstrate real additional benefits for NHS staff and patients. A joint proposal for the creation of a new NHS Evidence portal was submitted to the Department of Health in May and has now been accepted."

 In reality, this means that the existing service, the National Library for Health, will now move to NICE and become NHS Evidence.  According to the briefing:

"NHS Evidence will be a new web-based portal that will provide authoritative clinical and non-clinical evidence and best practice on both what high quality care looks like and how to deliver it. "

It will be interesting to see what the new NHS Evidence Chief Operation Officer, Dr Gillian Leng will include in the portal and whether it will demonstrate what high quality care looks like from the patients perspective. 

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