Sneak preview

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of Sarah Ashurst

Psst! We want to let you in on a secret. Patient Opinion is having a makeover! After much hard work and many (many) hours debating colour schemes, we are finally ready to give you a sneak preview. Drum roll please...

So, what do you think?

Of course we are not just stopping at a lovely new logo and colour scheme but that’s all we can share right now. Watch this space for further updates, we think you are going to like it...

Response from Kate83 on

They look great! Pink, purple and a whole new image. Look forward to seeing more :-)

Response from AmaAmb on

I am really excited about the new website. I like the new colours and the way the 'p' and 'o' overlap.. Can't wait to see more.

Response from Patck3 on

The new front page look like it will capture an interetsing overview of the organisational based data. Much more dashboard like. Looks good

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