The Patient Powered Web is here!

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of Paul Hodgkin

This coming week sees the launch of our new campaign to help NHS organisations get the most from all those patient stories on Patient Opinion and NHS Choices. We're focussing at first on PCTs and James has produced a new version that will really help busy staff get to grips with patient feedback from any web-based source. This service is designed to get PCTs up and running today with may of the Darzi themes - and to make sure that they can stay abreast of how patients are already using the web to influence the services they get. 

Giving a personal service to all the busy NHS staff that use the service is one of the things we really enjoy doing - so we're just launching 'The Patient Powered Web is Here' campaign to two new SHAs at present - East Midlands and London. (Of course we'll also be sending packs to all our current customers in NHS Northwest and NHS Yorkshre and the Humber too). But if you'd like to know more, then just drop me a note.

We also think the Patient Powered Web approach will really suit PBC Consortia who want a quick cost-effective way to monitor what their patients think - so we're also developing a pack specially to suit their needs.

Response from JesseC on Seems like you're not the only one looking at this.

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