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Update from Care Opinion

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picture of James Munro

The first three years of Patient Opinion have been about trying to get a worthwhile, legal, ethical and scalable feedback service sorted out for hospital and community services.

Now that we've got that working pretty well - and right across the UK - we're ready for the next challenge. As it happens, over the coming year we expect to be doing two interesting new things, and so we're looking for two interesting new people to help us.

First, we expect to be rolling out our mental health feedback service for all mental health trusts in England. Our aim is to engage with mental health services right across England, based on our experience piloting the service in 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Trust. We're already getting plenty of feedback from mental health service users, but can it help change services?

Second, we're also hoping to test out the Patient Opinion model of feedback in nursing and residential care homes for older people. Social care needs user involvement and feedback just as much as health care does, though there's no doubt that some of the practical challenges of web-based feedback are greater. But we're going to give it a try!

We're looking for someone to join our core admin team to support the mental health programme, and someone to run the social care project, under the guidance of our CEO Paul Hodgkin.

If you'd like to know more about either post, you'll find further details on our jobs page.

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