See you at ScotWeb2 in Edinburgh

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of James Munro

Just a quick note to say that the intrepid Alex Stobart is holding the second ScotWeb2 event in Edinburgh on 19 June.

The last (and first) one, back in October, was a lively and informative affair with a great bunch of people. I feel we should be calling this one ScotWeb2:2.

Anyway, I'll be there talking about Patient Opinion's new programme of work with all the mental health trusts in England, which I'm extremely excited about. I do think the web offers extraordinary new opportunities to users of mental health services, and I'm hoping we can make a worthwhile contribution to the whole area.

And who knows - maybe we can work out some way of providing a similar service in Scotland? We just need to find some people who could help make it happen.

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