Patient Opinion, the Health Innovation Network and diabetes and dementia teams across South London are working in partnership to improve service experience.
The Patient Opinion website features patient stories from around the UK, which are transmitted in real time to and responded to by NHS Trusts and health care organisations.
Comment from carer:
“No mark to say "Diabetic". Health Care Assistant offered him tea with sugar, no way could she have known not to offer the sugar. The biscuits would quickly have been taken by my father too, had he seen them.”
Response from Trust:
“Signs which clearly indicate your father’s dietary needs have been placed behind the bed and the ‘Patient Status at a Glance’ board has also been brought up to date.”
The website makes it easy for people to post comments, good and bad and for the organisation to respond. Often the wisdom and observations from patients and carers help busy NHS staff to see where improvements can be made and also where good practice is ensuring patient’s needs are being met.
Following an urgent admission to hospital my mother, who suffers from dementia, was superbly supported throughout the various hospital departments.
All staff showed care and understanding and included her fully in some difficult conversations. This has resulted in her being less anxious about her re- admission for a complex operation.
The real time and public nature of this feedback will be a powerful driving force for change and it is hoped that the Health Innovation Network project will speed up the time between feedback and improvements.
Now that this programme of work has begun, we have started to work with staff teams to generate stories from patients and carers. Patient Opinion has built up expertise and resources to facilitate patient stories in different settings and on different themes.
The functionality that the website offers will mean that stories can be shared across a network of providers, and different stakeholders. The leap from patient feedback to applying the learning from stories is therefore much quicker, easier and more transparent.
So carry on watching this space and keeping in touch with the series of blogs to see updates on this work. After Xmas, Patient Opinion will be running a series of WEBEX sessions open to all who are part of this HIN work. Dates for these sessions will follow and will happen every two weeks.
PO working with the HIN South London
PO working with the HIN South London https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/3043e34d-5d89-43fe-ae32-5c86de1cac50.jpeg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from HIN South London
Posted by Tim Hunt, HIN South London, on
Thanks for your feedback.