Our most depressing posting ever?

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of James Munro

We've just published a posting from someone who spent a few days on a hospital surgical ward.

It includes the following eye-witness account:

"When this very frail old woman as asked if he could pass the tea to her that he had just poured into a beaker for her, he said, 'Sorry love I am not trained for that', and just left her."

Hard to believe. Could this be the most depressing bit of feedback we've ever had?

Response from DrSearch on

Unfortunately, you may be right. Excellent Website. Much better- and cheaper than labour's appalling waste of money NHS Choices. <strong><a href="http://www.healthdirect.co.uk/"><font color="#0000FF">Health Direct</font></a> Blog</strong>- NHS news advice and information since Oct 2004

Response from skybluepink on

My Mother, another frail old lady who can't speak , with Dementia who was hospitalised because noone addressed her continuing care needs which was monitoring her eating and utis .She was dropped out of hoist because 3 burly porters refused to assist her into a chair on Grounds of Health & Safety . The lady in the bed opposite was horrified Worse the Chief Exec and Matron didn't want to know and refused thereafter to deal with me over her care . Only dealing with my Sister with Conflict of Interest whose daughter was a dietician in same hospital . Since I suggested the food be pureed ,and my sister refused no revival, she feeds herself and is still alive 4 years later much loved in another decent, yet costly, Care Home .

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