Welcome to the second blog on the South London HIN page. I hope that in time we will get some more contributors as the work develops. All is moving forward, Xmas inevitably has stalled progress a little but now January is here, I hope that we can build some momentum.
Kings College are now gearing up to use volunteers on the wards to support patients with diabetes to feedback their experiences, so hopefully we will start to see a range of feedback coming through onto the Patient Opinion website. Meetings are progressing with other trusts exploring different approaches to both generating patient and carer stories and learning from them. This blog and the HIN pages will be one of the ways to share this across the network and wider stakeholders. Whilst we wait for stories coming through in volume across South London, here are 2 stories about diabetes care from round the country. Click this one for less than ideal Care following surgery. This one for great Paediatric Nursing Care:
Similarly with stories about dementia care, there are some really valuable and insightful stories coming in which can be seen here.
As well as meetings in South London, there have been some really valuable Patient Opinion WEBEX sessions. These sessions have the advantage of live discussions whilst viewing and exploring the Patient Opinion website. I am happy to arrange a bespoke WEBEX session for anyone interested, please feel free to contact me at tim.hunt@patientopinion.org.uk
Given the importance of supporting communication and learning across the network I have also decided to hold fortnightly WEBEX sessions open to any interested parties. Think of it as a fortnightly drop in session to ask a question, join a discussion, share learning. Myself and the team at Patient Opinion need to learn from all of you, to find out what does and doesn’t work, the challenges and opportunities. These sessions will start next Thursday 16th January and will be between 2.00 and 3.30. If you don’t receive an e mail invitation do let me know and feel free to pass on the details to other interested parties.
Tim Hunt
Moving Forward in 2014
Moving Forward in 2014 https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/3043e34d-5d89-43fe-ae32-5c86de1cac50.jpeg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from HIN South London
Posted by Tim Hunt, HIN South London, on
Thanks for your feedback.