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Change from Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

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About: Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust / Adult mental health (inpatient) Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust / Carer services Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust / Adult Mental Health Services - Community (City) Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust / Adult Mental Health Services - Community (County) QMC mental health inpatient services Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust / Mental Health Services for Older People – Community (City) Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust / Mental Health Services for Older People – Inpatient

picture of Jane Danforth

Nottinghamshire Healthcare needs to transform services and ensure we are providing clinically excellent, cost efficient care within our mental health services for adults. We are proposing to change our services to improve the experience for our service users and carers and to meet the financial challenges currently facing the wider NHS.

Feedback from many people who use our services indicates that they would prefer to receive care in their own homes, as long as they are well supported by appropriate clinicians who are able to provide intensive input to them and their families/carers.

 Adult Mental Health /Mental Health Services for Older People are having a 6 week engagement process (requested by the commissioners) to establish public/staff/governors views on the proposals. Information and opportunity to feed back is via here: www.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/our-services/local-services/have-your-say/

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