SoThis week South West London and St George's Mental Health Trust has launched the new Five Ways to Feedback Campaign. So what is this and how can it help our staff, service users and carers?
Five Ways to Feedback is a way of bringing together all the different ways in which people can tell us what they think about our services we provide. It allows people to use the communication method with which they feel most comfortable which hopefully will mean we can gather opinions from a wide range of service user groups.
In the next few weeks we’ll be giving you more detailed information about the five ways but this brief guide should be a good starting point.
First of all is Patient Opinion, this site carries information about all sorts of different healthcare settings and enables people to write ‘Trip Advisor’ style reviews, good or bad! All reviews will be read and responded to by Trust staff and any complaints will be dealt with appropriately. You can access Patient Opinion on
Next we have Real Time Feedback. Anyone who has stayed in one of our wards should have been shown a kiosk and encouraged to complete a feedback survey. The survey has a small number of questions and an opportunity for free text comments and all entries are anonymous. The survey is also available online for community team service users and their carers on
Coming shortly we have The Friends and Family Test. From December 2014 this will be implemented across the Trust using the existing Real Time Feedback technology. The test will ask ‘How likely are you to recommend our service to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?” and will provide an important insight into how the work of our teams is perceived by the people who matter most. Would you like your family and friends to be treated by the Trust? We want the answer to that question to be yes so have a think about any improvements you can make, even a small change can make a big difference.
Care Connect is another way for people to tell us what they think. People can give feedback online, by text or by phone and all feedback is monitored and responded to by Trust staff. Ways to access Care Connect are as follows:
By phone: 0800 151 0023 (from a landline) 0300 200 0023 (from a mobile)
By text: 61114
Number Five is the Trust Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS). This service is available between 9-5, Monday to Friday and can be contacted on 0203 513 6150. The department can deal with a wide range of queries and can often resolve concerns the same day as well as directing them to other areas if that is most appropriate.
As you can see we’re trying to make it as easy as possible for people to tell us what they think but there may still be areas for improvement. Can you think of any further ways for Service Users and Carers to share their thoughts? Please let us know!
Five ways to feedback...
Five ways to feedback... Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust
Posted by Jane Healey, Patient Experience Lead, Governance, South West London and St George's Mental Health Trust, on
Thanks for your feedback.