Patient Opinion and WeCommissioners Tweet chat on integration on Tuesday December 9th at 8pm #WeComsers

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of Ben Pathe

On Tuesday 9 December, @WeCommissioners will be hosting a chat with @BenP1972 of @patientopinion looking at the integration agenda. 

Integration is probably the biggest hot topic for commissioners and potentially a hot potato too. The chief conclusion of the HSJ/Serco Commission on Hospital Care for Frail Older People published in November was that political leaders’ belief that health and social care integration is the “silver bullet” for the NHS’s financial difficulties is a “myth” and “Messiah concept” that has no realistic prospect of success. The National Audit Office has also described plans for the Better Care Fund as ‘over-optimistic.’

Despite these criticisms, the challenges of meeting the increasingly complex health needs of our ageing population and the economic and practical drivers to do more in the community remain. As such, the momentum of the rolling stone of integration is going to continue to increase. 

The evolving health and social care landscape presents constant opportunities to innovate. What are the biggest challenges that commissioners face in terms of integration? Is it possible to engage effectively with patients and service users across health and social care pathways? How much does local rhetoric reflect the reality of effective local partnership working? 

Please join in with the chat using the hashtag #WeComsers from 8pm on Tuesday 2 December.

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