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Gift: Guarding against complacency

Update from Care Opinion Scotland

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At Patient Opinion we think of the stories people share as gifts. During this gifting season we’ve asked a number of people to explain the “gifts” particular stories have brought to them during this last year.

I thought I’d lead the way!

When people have feedback to share about what we do at Patient Opinion, guess where they do it? That’s right! On the Patient Opinion website!

In May 14 we received this story https://www.patientopinion.org.uk/opinions/155659. When I read this critical story, I had to take a sharp intake of breath! I am wholeheartedly committed to the fundamental aims and vision of Patient Opinion and what we can all do to bring about simple and powerful changes to our health and care services using online feedback. I love what I do and I want to do it well and reading a story which calls what you do into questions, it’s hard.

However, I did read it and, of course, there was an expectation that I would respond. It’s easy to get into defensive mode and to dismiss comment because “they haven’t the full picture”. I did that! What I did next was share the story with my close colleagues who encouraged a more open perspective and reminded me of the opportunity of response. I did this as you can see I did by way of a response and in blog format too.

On reflection, the “gift” this story brought me was a challenge for me to review what we do, why we do it and how we do it. It’s easy to become complacent, isn’t it? To focus on the process and not the people? To do things the way they’ve always been done without giving thought to the reasons behind it. I thought the story was “unfair” in some ways, but it forced me to ask “are we being unfair?”. There’s no change resulting from this story, well not in practical terms, but it reminded me of the importance of feedback in testing the fundamental ways we operate: that’s good because it guards against the scourge of complacency!

Thanks “Support the NHS” and keep them coming!

Joy and Peace of the season to you.


Response from A healthy patient on

I thought this, and the blog posted in response, are very measured and considerate to the original post.It's never easy to look at an issue from a 180 degree perspective, to disregard what you already know (but others might not), but I think this is a useful "gift" as described.Looking at the original story, there's no argument that NHS employees should be valued.  I value them and believe many doThe media, not Patient Opinion, is geared towards the scapegoating of front-line staff, managers and the NHS isetlf.  Neither NHS staff, PO nor patients should have to deal with that.

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