Gift: Supporting continuous learning and improvement

Update from Care Opinion Scotland

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About: NHS Scotland

Paul Gray is the Scottish Government’s Director-General of Health and Social Care and Chief Executive of NHSScotland. Paul keeps a very close watch on stories shared on Patient Opinion and was keen to contribute to our Gift blog series.

Gift: "Supporting Continuous learning and improvement“

This Patient Opinion post was a gift to me because it showed how a powerful story could be told in a very few words – and the expression of gratitude two years after the incident was genuinely touching and thoughtful.

I was delighted to see the prompt and tailored response from both NHS Lothian and the Scottish Ambulance Service too.

It’s really important that we respond effectively to all Patient Opinion stories – whether positive or negative – because if people take time to share their views, they deserve the courtesy of a reply.

Every one of the increasing number of stories shared on Patient Opinion this year is a gift to NHSScotland and supports our continuous learning and improvement.

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