We value feedback, in addition to PALS, Patient Opinion and the Friends and Family Test, we use Kiosks and Tablet devices in our Real Time Feedback systems to collect anonymous feedback from service users and carers about their experience of our services as inpatients and in the community.
We act on this feedback by centrally triaging all feedback for risk and it also discussed on inpatient wards in weekly community meetings attended by both staff and service users. This ensures that action is taken on negative comments by way of developing action plans for improvement on ‘you said, we did’ boards which shows where we have made a change. The overwhelming amount of feedback is positive however and the community meetings gives an opportunity to acknowledge them as well as share good practice.
In April 2014 RTF was rolled out to all Community teams. The use of business cards with a feedback web address and kiosks supports teams to collect feedback which is shared and discussed in team meetings.
The “You said We Did” boards are located above the Kiosks. These are a way for staff to demonstrate improvements and give service users and carers assurance that the Trust is using their feedback in a proactive way..
Currently the Trust has collected 152 pieces of feedback in the last seven days which is an average of 11.3 postings per day.
An example of “You said we did” – Lilacs Ward
You Said:
“Communication between carers and family members”
We did:
We have a new carers lead and introduced twice monthly carers meetings. We also invite families to weekly reviews.
If you visit the Trust please tell us what you think at a kiosk!
Real Time Feedback
Real Time Feedback https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/720a159a-d43f-4017-851f-6e2f696672d1.jpeg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust
Posted by Victoria Gregory, Deputy Associate Director of Governance, Patient Experience Team, South West London & St Georges Mental Health NHS Trust, on
Thanks for your feedback.