There's money in them there pills!

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of Paul Hodgkin

Watch.UsNow is a great video about how the web lets people take things into their own hands and just get on organise stuff. There’s Clay Shirky, Charlie Leadbetter, William Heath, Lee Bryant plus mums from netmums and many others all talking very good sense. Well worth a quick watch (and thanks to Jonty  at Demos's Progressive Conservatism project for bringing it to attention).  

But looking at it I realised that Patient Opinion doesn’t quite fit. And the reason is that we don’t ‘do community’ in the same way that netmums or Facebook or Couch Surfers do it. For them the community is the whole point – they are about giving people a place where they can do what they want in ways that they are passionate about. This is what Web 2.0 has been all about up to now and it’s releasing a wave of mutual help and support that will, for sure, change the world in just the ways that the Watch.UsNow video explains. 

You can easily imagine similar communities building around Patient Opinion with people discussing services for endometriosis or hospitals  in Wolverhampton. And of course we’ve talked long and hard about whether Patient Opinion should do this. Our worry is that such groups would quickly turn into moaning arenas or gravitate to the ‘let’s go beat them up’ approach. But perhaps we’re doing everyone a disservice by such assumptions and we should trust people more and go test it out. 

But there is also another reason why we don’t quite fit into the standard web 2.0 model and that’s because we’re focused on changing services whereas most of the standard bearers for  ‘web 2.0 is a revolution’ are focused (rightly) on their members interests. So netmums is about mums not primarily about services for mums. And Couch Surfers is about finding congenial  people to stay with for free in new cities, not about improving travel services.  

Patient Opinion together with sites like MySociety are doing something different – we’re trying to engage the service, to get busy staff to act in new ways. This is very different from setting up a community of users ‘outside’ the system and who are all too easily perceived by staff as being critical. So it is possible that vibrant communities of users might indeed make our  core task – improving services – harder not easier. 

This isn’t an either/or of course – sites that focus on mutual support or benefit and sites that want to change the system are both really worthwhile. But Patient Opinion’s task of changing the system by engaging many thousands of staff as well as  tens of thousands of users, is distinct for two key reasons. Firstly it creates a different sort of public value to groups focused on mutual support. Second if we are successful, it opens up different revenue streams beyond the old stalwart of advertising that everyone and his dog is trying to make a living from on the net. After all if we could help patients and carers initiate 10,000 service improvements a year this will create significant value for the NHS. If we could find ways to extract this value and feed it back into more patient-initiated change - now that would be exciting. Then there really would be money in them there pills!

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