Having it all

Change from Care Opinion tech

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picture of James Munro

Hello! Today's post is about a small tweak to our search capability, which we hope might sometimes be just what you need.

Let's imagine you'd like to like to find stories relating to mental health and medication in Leeds. You might type something like this into the search box:

Once you click [Search], here's the result:

And here's a link to the result, in case you want to try this yourself.

But this isn't quite what we wanted. We wanted stories tagged with both "mental health" and "medication", not stories tagged with one or the other.

What to do? Click on "tagged with any of", to see this:

To change the search so that we get stories tagged with all the tags we wanted, just click on "tagged with all of".

And hey presto, we got what we wanted:

Of course, now you have the search you want, you can save it, or use it to create an alert, a report, or a word cloud.



PS: I've just discovered ScreenToGif - so here's the above blog post, animated:

Animated tag search

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