While last week, we discussed responses that go above and beyond, this week we would like to focus on subscribers that do the same.
At Patient Opinion, we look at subscriber support as one of the main features that makes us the leading feedback platform for health services. We always try instil our enthusiasm across organisation, but being part of a small team, we sometimes find that our capabilities are limited. That’s why we love that Patient Opinion is a two way street.
We often talk about interdependence within the NHS and how we would like to help subscribers help each other. The idea is rather simple: if we provide our subscribers with the knowledge and confidence they need, they can pass it on to other subscribers and result in that ‘culture change’ that we love to talk about. When this is the case, our support capabilities exponentially multiply and our impact becomes so much more meaningful.
We were recently pleasantly surprised when we received an email from Jane, Involvement Officer at one of our exemplar organisation, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. Jane had been working on a creating a screen-cast video that goes through the basics of Patient Opinion and also gives viewers a short introduction to our website.
Apart from providing a very comprehensive and easy to understand introduction to Patient Opinion, her video (see below) is a brilliant example of how learning opportunities being promoted from within an NHS organisation. Using a popular video sharing platform such as YouTube also means that there are no limits to the number of people the video can be shared with, and therefore can be used as a way organisations share information across the NHS and support each other on a large scale. However, YouTube is just an example, there is a multitude of tools that can be used for similar purposes. We have recently been loving ScreenToGif.
We thought Jane’s example was inspiring and worth sharing, as it demonstrates the exact approach we are trying to encourage. Jane, you are our PO Hero of the week!
If you have an idea on how to promote Patient Opinion within your organisation, don’t hesitate to contact us through email at subscriber.support@patientopinion.org.uk or by giving us a call at: 0114 4010 543.
When subscribers go above and beyond
When subscribers go above and beyond https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/6903b530-af9b-4ff5-930e-0c6112f82199.jpeg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Subscriber Support Team
Posted by Codrina Cretu, Subscriber support officer, Subscriber Support Team, on
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