Stapleford & Chilwell Children Centre's Making Changes

Change from Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

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About: Community Health Chilwell Children's Centre Stapleford Children's Centre

picture of Jane Danforth

Andy has put together this report to share with you all about  the Patient Opinion postings gathered at Stapleford and Chilwell Children’s Centre over the course of 2015

' I do hope you have the time to read some of the fantastic feedback about the services we provide.We have had 32 postings with 32 responses and 5 changes made to the service as a direct result of feedback gathered.'

Andy White

Childrens Centre Co-ordinator

Nottinghamshire Children and Families Partnership

(Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust)

Base:Stapleford Children's Centre

Grenville Drive




Direct Dial - (0115) 916 2770

Mob: 07970815351

Patient Opinion report Stap and Chil Jan - Dec 2015.pdf

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