Since it's Blue Monday we thought that we'd start off the week with a nice double dose of positivity by sharing our team's #poHero of the week with you all, and since we missed our hero last week, we're having a double hero week!
We're really pleased to see the escalating and evolving dedication of some CEOs (not only here, but in Australia too!) so we wanted to give a special shout out to two of the Chief Execs that are not only getting on board with P.O but who are really committed to going that extra mile. These two heroes have been getting involved by receiving alerts to all stories in order to find out not only what's good and bad, but also to gain real-time insight into how the public's experiences are stimulating positive change in their hospitals and trusts.
Michael Wilson is the Chief Executive of Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, Who after having a conversation with Patient Opinion's Chief Exec, James Munro, shared this blog about the benefits of keeping up to date with stories on Patient Opinion.
When discussing his alerts Michael said "I never feel I get too many – I like to read them as I’m going round the hospital, or sometimes at weekends. They are fascinating, and cover important themes: access, quality, safety, patient experience. It is easy and it only takes a few minutes to read the feedback each day."
He explained that "personally, I find the stories people share act as a good “barometer” of how things are going in the hospital." When positive feedback is received Michael will often email the team to say thank you, "staff are absolutely delighted when they get positive feedback".
"We’ve learnt a lot from the feedback we get on Patient Opinion. Our culture is becoming more open."
After sharing Michael's Blog, Sharon Kidd, Patient Experience & Engagement Manager from United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust got in touch with their new Chief Exec Jan Sobieraj to ask if he'd also be interested in receiving alerts to their P.O stories, which he now does! So it's great to see the trust's new CEO also keen to get on board and receive these alerts too! Hopefully we'll soon hear from Jan and see if he's gaining as much benefit from the alerts as Michael Wilson does, or, perhaps more!
So a big thankyou to Michael and Jan, you are our #poHeroes this week!
And not to forget, an extra thanks to Sharon for leading the way!
If, like Sharon, you think that your CEO would benefit from receiving alerts to stories, why not ask them? We're more than happy to give you more info as well as a hand setting the alerts up, which can be tailored to suit the individual's needs.
As ever, please feel free to respond and share, or if you have any questions or ideas, give us a call! We'd love to help you get your CEO more involved too! Or if there's something unique that your CEO or your team are doing to promote and engage with P.O do get in touch and let us know. We are always keen to share good practice and you might end up being our next #poHero!
#poHeroes of the Week
#poHeroes of the Week https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/2ecdefab-08a0-4ebd-9aa1-a325642ceea2.jpeg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Subscriber Support Team
Posted by Cally Bowman, Support and Social Media Officer, Care Opinion, on
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