My day at the Person-Centered Health and Care event

Update from NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

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About: NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Hi everyone, here I am at the Person Centred Health and Care Collaborative Day. Its been great, have learned a lot, been inspired and have got some good ideas to bring back to the team at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Have had my picture taken with Natalie and Gina of Patient Opinion Scotland who are doing a great job, encouraging us all to listen to our patient, carers and public.

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Lorna, the team and everybody at GGC plays a part in valuing our patients and their opinions...Patient Opinion is an excellent way of helping us do this. It really shares with us how patients feel....and I think this is critical in helping us connect better with our core values. That's what makes working for the NHS more than a job, it makes it a pleasure.

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#feedbackmatters because..."I wouldn't know what those I love, care for or value think or feel...and that matters to me and them."

Off for lunch now but wanted to share these thoughts of the day so far.

P.S this is my first PO blog, so be kind.


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