The year round up for 2015/16

Update from South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust

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So we have reached the end of our 2015/16 year and there has been so much going on for the Patient Experience Team at SWLSTG NHS Trust.

From a quick look at the numbers, there was an increase in activity in all areas: Overall the Patient Experience Team received 100 more complaints, 100 more PALS contacts on the Advice Line and a whopping 600 more compliments than the previous year! We also had 2600 more items of feedback than in 2014/15 for Real Time Feedback. Even on Patient Opinion, we had 41 more stories posted this year!

This has been because the team have dedicated lead who link to the boroughs, and they have encouraged feedback in all forms positive and negative. The Leads have attended surgeries in in-patient areas, the Clinical Governance groups involving the managers for the services and many other forums to make ‘our presence known’.

The Patient Experience Team have also been visible outside the Trust and attended the Patient Experience Network National Awards 2015 (PENNA) in March this year. We were shortlisted for 2 awards and we won Runner Up in the ‘Turning it Around When It Goes Wrong’ category and Finalist in ‘Team Of The Year’.


Response from Tim Hunt, Head of Partnerships and Safeguarding, Care Opinion on

Great to see so many postings and your commitment to giving people a voice on this open and transparent forum!

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