As subscribers, you have access to a huge range of tools, features and resources. Here are just a few to inspire you…
- Unlimited access to the subscriber support team! Technical query? Got a challenging bit of feedback? Want to make a strategic plan for using PO in your organisation? No job is too big, no query is too small. The subscriber support team is here to make sure you get the absolute best from Patient Opinion.
In the words of one subscriber, Sharon Kidd, Patient Experience Manager from United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust:
“The team are so responsive; they are always there when we need help. From running reports, to using the website, or writing responses, whatever we need the Patient Opinion team are there. Their brilliant support has made sure we get full value from engaging online.”
- Staff across your services can save time by being alerted to stories that are directly relevant to them. And select staff can also respond. From Chief Exec to clinical staff, a range of people across your organisation will get value from email alerts.
- As you spread the use of PO through your staff, smart alerts help you maintain the quality and timeliness of responses. Ensure no one’s story is left without a response, and that all responses are of the highest quality.
- That same system can alert you to NHS Choices stories, as well as those from Patient Opinion. Remember: if you write a response to an NHSC posting on PO, it is automatically sent back to Choices for you. So no need to double up your effort. Respond on whichever site you like to use best.
- Reports help you understand the themes behind the stories. These bespoke reports can analyse specific services or areas, or time periods, so that you can see ways to improve, and how staff are using and responding to feedback. We can even schedule them to arrive straight to your inbox!
- Export these reports to Excel makes it simple for you to integrate PO feedback into your other patient engagement and quality processes. Incorporate into other reports, triangulate with other data, use them in whatever way works best for you.
- Attend our WebEx sessions. Although Patient Opinion is designed to be easy to understand and user friendly, talking about the possibilities and the practicalities with a member of Patient Opinion's expert team can make all the difference. These personalised webinars help you make the most of our services, without having to leave your desk!
- Use feedback leaflets to reach people in services where users might not have online access, which ensures that people are not digitally excluded. These leaflets come straight to us and are entered on the website by our staff, where you can engage with them in the same way as all other PO feedback. We provide you with a large amount of material and support to promote Patient Opinion in your services.
We’re always here to talk about any of these features, so please get in touch to find out more.
Call 0114 281 6256 or email subscriber.support@patientopinion.org.uk
8 ways subscribers get more from Patient Opinion
8 ways subscribers get more from Patient Opinion https://www.careopinion.org.uk/resources/blog-resources/1-images/a8eb20afb6ab4465a0bba493f6114dce.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Subscriber Support Team
Posted by Cally Bowman, Support and Social Media Officer, Care Opinion, on
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