Inclusion Recovery Cambridgeshire are delighted to join other Inclusion UK services in working with Care Opinion, to give our service users and carers a say about all of the care and treatment that we offer. This is an opportunity for people to tell their own story, anonymously, to an independent party which is then made public on the Care Opinion website. Staff at our service are alerted as soon as a story is published and will then respond again publicly on the website.
All the feedback whether positive or negative will help us to monitor and improve our services and we can demonstrate publicly that we are listening and engaging with all those who use our services. So, if you are using one of our services please do tell your own Story about the help and care your received from us by following this link.
Inclusion recovery Cambridgeshire has always been committed to listening to our users and we recently used our “Have Your Say” leaflet to gather some views. Here are just some of the comments that we received:
“Support given was excellent, always treated with respect and has been helpful to get my feelings out into the open without being judged, and to just be listened to.”
“I am very grateful to all the staff at Inclusion and couldn't have stopped drinking without their help and professionalism. Particular thanks to my worker for being there for me and kicking my arse when I needed it.”
“I think that social services need to work with Inclusion and have a better understanding of addiction. I would like more meetings to be available during the school hours.”
“My experience has been very positive. I've been offered many opportunities to help with my recovery (acupuncture, extra support with counseling and other community support). My key-workers have been kind, knowledgeable and very supportive in the decisions I have made over the months of treatment.”
“I have been really impressed with my experience here. There have a been a couple of cancellations, otherwise I would never have made the progress I have without the support I have received. Thank you!”
“Working with staff greatly surpassed what I was expecting from this treatment (since I was expecting boring sessions, inadequate advice etc.) and I didn’t think sessions like that would be at all helpful. It's all now changed. The structured form of the sessions provides additional support by building a foundation to understanding mechanisms of addiction.”
It's lovely to hear favorable comments but we also want to learn from the things we could do better. The feedback above is invaluable to us. I am really proud of the team we have in Cambridgeshire. I know that our staff have service users at the centre of everything they do and they want the best for each and everyone they work with. Working with partners such as Social Services is really important. We know that working together is much better for the service users so we continue to try to improve in these areas.
Inclusion Recovery Cambridgeshire, Listening to your Feedback
Inclusion Recovery Cambridgeshire, Listening to your Feedback Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
Posted by Paul Pescud, Service Manager Inclusion Recovery Cambridgeshire, Inclusion (SSSFT), on
About: Inclusion Cambridgeshire
Thanks for your feedback.