Our name is changing - but our mission remains the same

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of James Munro

It’s true, we’re changing our name. From 1 May 2017 we’ll become Care Opinion. And our two existing websites will become one single website (looking very much as it does now), covering feedback about both health and social care services.

But our mission won't change. Now more than ever, we need people to be able to share honest feedback about health and social care. Our mission is to direct that feedback to wherever it can help make a difference.

Why are we changing our name?

Since 2005, Patient Opinion has pioneered a new kind of online feedback about health care – feedback which is simple, safe, transparent and effective. Stories posted on Patient Opinion have led to thousands of visible changes in services – changes everyone can see.

And they’ve also led to changes nobody can see, but which matter just as much, or perhaps even more: changes in relationships, learning, culture, and trust.

Over this time, three things have happened which mean that “Patient Opinion” isn’t quite the right name for us any longer.

First, plenty of people who are not patients want to share their experiences of care to make a difference. That includes relatives, friends, carers, advocates, volunteers and even staff.

Second, we are working with ever more services where people do not necessarily see themselves as patients. For example, many people using mental health services, drug and alcohol services, learning disability services and residential care services do not call themselves patients.

And third, in recent years there have been determined efforts to “integrate” services across the health and social care divide. So we need to make it easy for people to share stories which are about health care, social care, or both, in one place, without adding any unnecessary confusion.

Tracy Braddock, a service manager at Inclusion UK, told us: “We’re excited about the evolution to Care Opinion. Our staff and the people who rely on our services don’t use the word ‘patient’. Now they can be confident that this service will work for them too.”

Including everyone

With our new name, Care Opinion, we aim to include as many people as possible. Everyone, whether patients or not, can share experiences of their health or social care services and see what others are saying too.

Care Opinion - new logo

But although our name is changing, our vision, mission and values are not. Our determination that people’s voices are heard and make a real difference to care remains as strong as ever. We can all be part of making our services the best they can be.

More information

You’ll find more information about this change in our frequently asked questions. You can also response to this post with questions and comments.

Response from Leslie Robinson, Senior Lecturer, School of Health Sciences, University of Salford on

Sounds like a great idea - much more inclusive. It will also maybe get over some of the difficulties staff have with engaging in anything that is related to patients and talking in a patient forum online. 

Response from Pauline Downie, Professional Lead for Speech and Language Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy Services, NHS Lanarkshire on

I welcome the name change-this will make it more accessible for all people to tell their story and help us to share experiences and change for the better.

This blog post is closed to responses.