Your Feedback is Being Heard!

Update from Subscriber Support Team

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picture of Cally Bowman

Sharing your feedback on Patient Opinion, no matter how small it might seem, is heard and can lead to a change. A lovely little example happened last week, when some parents shared stories about their experiences of attending "a family fun day during the Easter holidays" at Eastwood Children's Centre. The stories explained that "It was a fun packed day", but three stories highlighted that there were some issues with food...

"Lunch time was a bit crazy Maybe next time have time slots all the chocolate cake ran out."
"Was surprised at lunch being provided but needs to be evaluated as it was quite chaotic and some of the food I found to be geared to adults rather than children for example the variety of yoghurt that was provided."
"Lunch was provided but my children are fussy eaters so wasnt really anything for them."

Tina Hancock, Sure Start Children's Centres Service Manager, listened to the feedback, discussed it with staff and posted a response to let the parents know that they were going to make a change thanks to the feedback. You can read the full stories and responses by clicking on the quotes above. Tina explained...

"I have shared your comments on to the team about the food - and your comments have helped us to plan our next event where we will be offering an alternative catering arrangement that caters to more tastes."
"The staff have reviewed and evaluated your feedback which has led to a change to the way we provide lunch at our future events by providing a better timetable for eating."

This is great to see and goes to show that sharing even the small things can help make a difference for many people! Great work from Surestart and Notts Healthcare!

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