It is two weeks after we switched the site over and things are settling in nicely at Patient Opinion.
To mark the release of the upgraded site we created a report that evaluated the issues that concern patients/service users on Patient Opinion the most.
The report looked at a sample of over 500 postings rated critical by Patient Opinion (n.b 79% of all postings on Patient Opinion includes at least one positive aspect of their experience). Read and download In their words: What patients think about our NHS
The aim of the report was to uncover the top issues raised by patients on the site. We wanted to quantify patient stories that have so far gone unheard or have been dismissed as too anecdotal. We think that data is no substitute for patient voice and we do mot want to oversimplify the postings on Patient Opinion but we hope this report would go some way to bridge the gap between data and stories.
In their words: What patients think about our NHS is the first report of it’s kind Patient Opinion has undertaken and was covered in a number of placing including the Guardian and the nursing times.
The Daily Mail picked up on the more negative aspects of the report and this article was responded to on the Primly Stable blog with a post titled "Only telling half of the story".
Finally, if you want more information on our methodology you can find this here
In their words: What patients think about our NHS
In their words: What patients think about our NHS http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5258/5511292927_b9cf724100.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by Sarah Ashurst, Associate Director, Service Quality, Care Opinion CIC, on
Thanks for your feedback.
Response from JohnSz on 16 Mar 2011 at 10:52
The NHS, is an imperfect institution, there is much that could be improved, however it reflects the people it serves, currently without favour, without concern as to profit! When my daughter required emergency medical cover, my wife and I were amazed at the professionalism, the empathy, and care they took with not only my daughter but my wife and I also! After our family crisis, we all left the Hospital, secure in the knowledge that even if we were a member of the Royal Family, or we were billionaires, we could not have received better treatment! The plans by Andrew Lansley supported by Cameron, Clegg, Cable and Alexander will transform an excellent system into a 'For Profit', organisation... The only care we could expect then will be the profit margins... SAVE OUR NHS!
Response from Sarah2 on 22 Mar 2011 at 09:57
Hi John Thank you for your comments. At Patient Opinion we also believe in the importance of the NHS and also that it doesn't get in right every time. We hope that by people posting their experiences on www.patientopinion.org.uk for the NHS to read we can all help improve and shape services. I am glad to hear everything went well with your daughter's care and if you haven't already, why not leave some feedback on Patient Opinion for the NHS staff to see? Thanks again for your comments. Sarah