We encourage services to seek feedback for the purposes of improvement and change!
We like feedback too: about how staff are using Care Opinion, what impact online feedback has on their jobs and what they think of the service we provide.
In February this year we issued a survey! I know, right! We really appreciate the efforts everyone who took time to complete the questionnaire. We've (well Ben!) has pored over all the responses, pulling together a comprehensive report which you can read in full, but there is a summary!
We also wanted to share what we learned and how we're taking steps to learn and improve...now where have we heard that before!
- Subscriber Survey 2017 - Summary
- Subscriber Survey 2017 - Report
- Subscriber Survey 2017 - Learning and next steps
We have more, if you want it!
Didn't get a chance to respond? Or have something you think we need to know? Post here! All feedback very welcome, seriously.
Walking the talk!
Walking the talk! https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/0b59b6ea-7ad2-46b0-a23f-78c3f9584d05.jpeg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion Scotland
Posted by Gina Alexander, Director, Care Opinion Scotland, Care Opinion, on
Response from Jane Danforth, Involvement & Experience Officer, Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Team, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust on 31 Jul 2017 at 11:08
Hi Gina
This is brilliant work! I've had a quick look but in the interim I wanted to make a few comments. The section of the summary below was interesting.
'The biggest improvement staff felt we could make would be to raise awareness of our service amongst staff and members of the public. However, whilst staff read stories about themselves and others, they almost never shared stories from our site on their social media'
At Nottshc we actively share stories via social media as it is already out there in the public domain so why not spread the stories a bit further and share good practise? If it is anything like Nottingham we find there is an inconsistency of how people feel about Social Media, the positive and negative aspects for example.
'Most staff had never used any of our support resources',
From our experience the majority of staff subscribers don’t access CO support resources because they choose to use the basic functions of the site only. Most don't have time to investigate the site fully. At Nottshc I show key staff where to find the resources and I support staff internally where I can but with hundreds of staff on our subscription I can't do it intensively. The future will see a lighter touch from me but greater scrutiny at board level where patient experience is a key part. The lighter touch also hands back more control to staff and teams to manage their own feedback reducing the reliance on individuals (like me) to monitor the site with quite as much intensity. Visualisations are being well received and a small uptake of digests is now being seen. It is a slow process to embed this approach but worth it.
As for posting negative stories we have found that staff prefer to know what is going on and welcome transparency even though it can be challenging at times. We actively encourage all types of feedback and our Forensic services have embraced Care Opinion as a way to make changes and improve services, particularly communication with patients in real time.
I’m looking forward to reading all of the report to learn how we can do things better here at Notts.
We really welcome your Learning and Next Steps section, the following points in particular:
Development of video resources to allow on-demand, anywhere, self-service support on site features. This will address alerting, as well as reporting and visualisations;
Continuing public awareness-raising
Exploring more opportunities to connect health and care staff to share learning about the
use of online feedback.
We are happy to share our experiences with Scottish providers if needed and vice versa!
Thank You
Response from Ben Simmons, Development and Engagement Officer, Care Opinion Scotland on 31 Jul 2017 at 14:21
Hi Jane,
Thanks so much for the lovely feedback, it was a big piece of work and its great to hear that our conclusions make sense.
At the same time, seeing someone take the time to write a rich piece of feedback like this is very rewarding - staff enjoy feedback, who knew?!
One of the things swimming about in our collective heads is a way to provide more peer support between subscription administrators, any suggestions for how we can accomplish this would be very welcome.
We're also beavering away trying to be innovative in some of our approaches to subscriber engagement and passive awareness raising within our subscribing organisations - watch this space :)
Thanks again for your kind words, it means a lot.
Kind regards,