In February 2017 we surveyed staff that receive Care Opinion stories about the impact that those stories have had on themselves and their services. We found the experience so helpful we felt it was about time we surveyed our story authors too!
We asked authors questions on a range of topics including:
- Why they used Care Opinion.
- Who they wanted to hear their story.
- Who they wanted to respond.
- How it felt to tell their story.
- How it felt to get a response (or not get one).
The results were both interesting and encouraging. Authors identified the benefits and appeal of using Care Opinion, as well as some insights into the process. These insights are valuable learning for us as an organisation which tries to practice what we preach and learn from feedback! And of course, the quality and timeliness of the response was also important. Was the organisation listening and what are they going to do with that feedback?
We also found that there are five common reasons people use Care Opinion:
- To praise staff publicly and show how they value services.
- To raise a minor issue with the staff rather than make a complaint.
- To ask for help with their health or social care problem.
- Because they were asked to by a clinician.
- To criticise staff and services publicly, sometimes alongside a complaint.
This link takes you to a presentation offering a succinct summary of our findings.
Some quick take home messages are:
- Around 70% of authors feel happier as a result of posting their story and 50% dont give feedback any other way.
- Authors want the public to know about their experience, "my fears were dispelled and I wanted the public to know what a fantastic job staff were doing".
- A significant number of authors want to feedback about a serious issue without making a complaint.
- Authors want staff at the front line to know about their experience.
- A response and who it is from matters a lot to the author.
- Authors like that it is easy to use, public and not formal.
The full report is long but do contact us if you would like a copy.
We know that no amount of surveys will ever capture every person's experience of using Care Opinion, do send us your comments if you would like to add your perspective: info@careopinion.org.uk
Why do people choose to use Care Opinion?
Why do people choose to use Care Opinion? https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/2b4195d1-34fc-4f54-b373-c6fae479fba0.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by Ben Simmons, Development and Engagement Officer, Care Opinion, on
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