Our story swarm is now a bit more accessible

Change from Care Opinion tech

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picture of James Munro

Last year we added our "story swarm" data visualisation to Care Opinion, to help you see your stories over time.

In the story swarm, each circle represents a story, and the colour represents either story progress or criticality, as you choose.

Some subscribers told us that the different colours were not easy to tell apart if you have colour-blindness, or if you print the swarm out.

So we've recently updated the story swarm to add another option: you can have different symbol shapes, as well as different symbol colours, like this:

Using shape symbols in the story swarm

Of course, you can also still separate the symbols into groups, for extra clarity.

Hope that's helpful! Do let us know if you find other ways we can improve accessibility and make Care Opinion easier for everyone to use.

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