Tag relevant people
Everyone loves receiving a notification and being kept in the loop, it’s nice to be included! Mentioning and tagging people in relevant content that they might find interesting is a simple and easy extra step to spread awareness. However, there can be a fine line between helpful tagging or tagging unnecessarily, no one likes to be spammed! But, with careful consideration, tagging the right people/ organisations can encourage further engagement with your post, whether that’s through them sharing/liking/retweeting/commenting on or replying to it! For example, if you have received a story that is about other organisations as well as your own, when sharing that story why not mention them in that post? Or, if you are sharing a story with an image you've created using a quote from the story (check out last week's blog for tips on this!) then you can tag up to ten twitter profiles in that picture. Tag wider organisations too, if the story is about a hospital, tag it to the local health board/CCG/Healthwatch/council/MP/MSP/staff members/staff groups or a charity/organisation related to the story. Such organisations are likely to appreciate this, they might not have seen the story otherwise. So, give it a share and a tag and see what happens. Comms teams need content after all, so the story will probably be gratefully received, other people might share further or respond to you, the worst that can happen is that it will be ignored... so, nothing to lose!
Tag us!
We love to see what you’re up to and will always be happy to share/retweet/comment and like your posts! We love to share examples of good practice across all our social channels, and we currently have 27k twitter followers, many of which are other health or social care organisations/staff/ stakeholders that are likely to also be interested in seeing your stories and your work with Care Opinion. So, when we share what you share, we push out all that good stuff that little bit further, to a relevant and wide audience.
Why tagging people can help spread your message a little further
Why tagging people can help spread your message a little further https://www.careopinion.org.uk/resources/blog-resources/1-images/34213d1ad786441baba89eb164a9ebd3.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by Cally Bowman, Engagement & Support Officer, Subscriber Support, Care Opinion, on
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