Event: Online feedback for integrated care systems

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of James Munro

Tuesday 19 March, 10am – 3:30pm

The Quadrant, Sheffield

One of the most important parts of the new NHS Long Term Plan for England is the emphasis on integration. NHS England has committed "to create Integrated Care Systems everywhere by April 2021".

I blogged a few days ago about the implications of this for thinking about patient feedback. In short, feedback systems need to become less organisation-centred and more patient-centred.

Is health and social care a well-oiled machine?

(Photo credit: Jonathan Brennan)

So our first event of 2019 will focus on what this means, and how Care Opinion fits into the emerging Integrated Care System landscape of health and social care services.

Our speakers will include:

Professor Mark Gamsu, professor at Leeds Beckett University and lay board member, NHS Sheffield CCG

Julie Grant, head of communications, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS FT

Jane Danforth, involvement & experience officer, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS FT

Danny Hames, head of inclusion at Inclusion UK and chair of the NHS Substance Misuse Provider Alliance

Our event will emphasise informality, sharing experience of what is working and learning from one another.

We expect the workshop to be of interest to anyone working in:

  • service leadership, whether you are clinical or non-clinical
  • patient experience
  • user involvement or public engagement
  • quality improvement or organisational development

Lunch will be provided.

The workshop is free but places are strictly limited, and registration is essential. If you would like to attend, please contact sarah.ashurst@careopinion.org.uk.

To learn more about how the flexible design of Care Opinion fits perfectly into the new ICS world, download our briefing paper.

Briefing paper: how Care Opinion fits with Integrated Care Systems

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