Autumn events for staff: using online patient feedback to improve care

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of James Munro

There's a lot going on around patient feedback this autumn!

We're expecting policy announcements, new evidence-based briefings, conference discussions - and in the midst of all this, we're bringing you not one, but two free events for health and care staff who want to understand how online patient feedback works and why it matters.

So here are two dates for your diary.

3 October 2019, 10:30-3:30 - Leeds

Platform, New Station Street, Leeds LS1 4JB


17 October 2019, 10:30-3:30 - London

NCVO, 8 All Saints St, Islington, London N1 9RL

Come to either event to hear directly from the Care Opinion team and from organisations using online feedback to serve patients and improve services.

We'll have some expert guest speakers and we'll be discussing topics such as:

  • Why is public online feedback so different to traditional approaches?
  • Why do people post feedback online? What are their intentions?
  • How do organisations use Care Opinion in practice to resolve issues, restore relationships, lift staff morale, support service improvement and stimulate a learning culture in teams?
  • What does emerging research say about the importance of online feedback, and how it might be used for service improvement?
  • How can you take a strategic approach to online feedback in your organisation?

Our events are friendly and informal, with plenty of time for questions and discussion. We hope you'll go away energised by new possibilities!

We expect these events to fill up quickly, so advance registration is essential. To register your place, please email

Our speakers in Leeds

Dr Victoria Betton, managing director, mHabitat

Sharon Kidd, Patient Experience & Engagement Manager, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Victoria Simmons, Head of Engagement and Experience, NHS Bradford District & Craven Clinical Commissioning Groups

Lauren Ramsey, online feedback researcher, University of Leeds

Our speakers in London

Charlotte Augst, chief executive, National Voices

Laura Sharpe, chief executive, City and Hackney GP confederation

Caroline Millar, lay board member, City and Hackney GP confederation

Four clinical teams, UCL Partners pilot programme with Care Opinion

Amy Gaskin-Williams, Deputy Head of Involvement, Experience and Volunteering, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS FT

Further speakers will be announced shortly.

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