Four papers on Care Opinion from HSRUK 2019

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of James Munro

This time last year I blogged about three academic research papers about different aspects of online feedback, presented at the annual conference of Health Services Research UK.

I am pleased to say that this year, four research papers relating to Care Opinion were presented at the conference - and, encouragingly, the room for our "mini-symposium" was full.

Just as last year, I am sharing the presentation slides here with the kind permission of the authors. Each paper will likely be published in a peer-reviewed journal in due course (one already has been).

Understanding how NHS staff respond to and use Care Opinion feedback: qualitative study in Scotland

Louise Locock, HSRU, University of Aberdeen

Slides from Louise Locock

Slides from Louise

How do NHS staff respond to online patient feedback? A typology of responses published on Care Opinion

Lauren Ramsey, University of Leeds

Slides from Lauren Ramsey

Slides from Lauren

This paper is now published: How do healthcare staff respond to patient experience feedback online? A typology of responses published on Care Opinion

Perceptions of public value creation on Care Opinion

Ann O’Brien, National University of Ireland, Galway

Slides from Ann O'Brien

Slides from Ann

Online patient feedback and validated paper-based questionnaires: how do they compare? An example in psychiatry

Rebecca Baines, University of Plymouth

Slides from Rebecca

This paper is now published: Comparing psychiatric care experiences shared online with validated questionnaires; do they include the same content?

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