“Who knows best but the people themselves” #COSConf2020

Update from Care Opinion Scotland

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picture of Fraser Gilmore

Its been just over a week since our online conference on the 28th of October and I am delighted to share our second blog about the day, focusing on our plenary session.

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The title I have given to this blog is “who knows best but the people themselves”, a quote from Paulo Freire that was shared by one of our attendees, that I really think talked to the theme of the day which was “the power of online feedback in a post pandemic world”.

After an introduction to the day from myself, we enjoyed a welcome video message from Prof. Jason Leitch, , National Clinical Director, who emphasised the importance of listening to and learning from people who use health and care services across Scotland. We were also humbled when he described Care Opinion as “a consistent golden thread that goes right through everything we are doing with health and social care.”

We were then treated to a spirited panel discussion, which talked to and challenged our theme for the conference, as well as fielding some fascinating questions from our attendees. Our panel included; Dr Deborah BaldieProf. Paul GrayProf. Michael GrecoProf. Louise Locock, and Pennie Taylor.

If you were not able to attend on the day, no problem! You can watch the recording of the session below;

During the session, we also had great engagement from our attendees, who shared lots of journals, research, blogs and pieces of information pertinent to the discussion that was going on in the plenary, which I have shared below:

Keep an eye out for more blogs about Care Opinion Scotland’s online conference coming soon. 

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