Research chat 3: Experiencing psychiatry: do online accounts and validated surveys address the same issues?

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of James Munro

Last week we held the third of our online research chats, this time with longstanding online feedback researcher Rebecca Baines of the University of Plymouth.

We discussed Rebecca's published research comparing how the aspects of care people include in their online feedback about psychiatric care compare with the questions asked in official revalidation surveys for psychiatrists.

You may not be surprised to hear that there are quite a number of issues which are clearly important to people experiencing care, yet which are not asked about in the formal revalidation system.

To learn more, watch the session recording below!

Rebecca has researched a range of other issues in online feedback so we are sure to be chatting again soon.

Watch the session

Read the research paper

Comparing psychiatric care experiences shared online with validated questionnaires; do they include the same content?

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