Research chat 7: What do people want in response to their feedback?

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of James Munro

Our research chat on 15 June 2021 focused on the question of what makes a "good response" to online feedback. We welcomed back Rebecca Baines of the University of Plymouth, to discuss her paper on this issue:

Responding effectively to adult mental health patient feedback in an online environment: A coproduced framework

This research is remarkable both because it is still the only study to address this question, and because it was co-produced with a patient research partner. I have also blogged previously about this research.

In our chat we talked about the importance of a response, what responses tell us about organisational culture, and why sometimes a poor response can make matters worse.

Watch the session

Read the research

Responding effectively to adult mental health patient feedback in an online environment: A coproduced framework

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