CO Conference 2021 - Session 4 Mental health – Encouraging voices across services

Update from Care Opinion

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About: Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Inclusion Thurrock (Talking Therapies)

picture of Lisa Dendy

In session 4 of the Care Opinion Conference 2021, we brought together guest speakers from both a Mental Health Trust and a community-based service within a Trust, to talk about their experiences of using online public feedback in health and care settings. There was a focus on the process of encouraging feedback, particularly in hard to reach areas. We also explored the impact of online feedback, to both front-line staff and the people accessing these services.

Care Opinion Conference 21 - Session 4 - Mental health – Encouraging voices across services from CareOpinion on Vimeo.

A massive Thank You to our guest speakers, Jane Danforth and Mark Frost.

Jane Danforth, Involvement & Experience Officer at Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, can be found on Twitter at @JaneDanforth.

Jane's presentation slides can be found here: Jane D_CO presentation Conf_October 21.pptx

Thank you also to Kathleen Alder, Day Unit Manager for the Trust. You can follow Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust at @InvolveNottsHC.

Read about Online feedback at Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust here:

Mark Frost, Clinical Lead at Thurrock IAPT Inclusion can be found at at @markfrostpsych. Inclusion Thurrock can be seen on Twitter at @inclusionThurk and

Mark's presentation slides can be found here: Mark Frost Care Opinion_October 21.pptx

The session was led by the Care Opinion Lead for Safeguarding and Partnerships, Tim Hunt. Find him on Twitter at @TimHunt59.  

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