On 29 March 2022 we held our 12th research chat, with Dr Cath Montgomery, Chancellor's Fellow at the University of Edinburgh.
Previous research has shown that primary care doctors are more sceptical than their secondary care colleagues towards online patient feedback.
In this session we discussed new research which examines how GPs and other practice staff view online feedback, and their "counter-discourses". It was a fascinating and wide-ranging session and I wish we'd had twice as much time to chat!
Here's the recording of this session. I hope you enjoy it.
Watch the session
Read the research
Turning the gaze: Digital patient feedback and the silent pathology of the NHS
Past research chats
Recorded video from previous research chats
Future research chats
Research chat 12: Online feedback in primary care
Research chat 12: Online feedback in primary care https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/75f71c7a-7f9c-4b02-9116-1ed4ff616c90.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by James Munro, Chief executive, Care Opinion, on
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