Research chat 13: Understanding the work of feedback moderation: a case study of Care Opinion Scotland

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of James Munro

On 26 April 2022 we held our 13th research chat, with Emma Berry, PhD student in the Health Services Research Unit at the University of Aberdeen.

What is involved in publishing the stories people share on Care Opinion? What is moderation, and what kind of work is it?

In this session, we discussed Emma's recently published study of the work of feedback moderators at Care Opinion. You won't be surprised to hear that issues of emotional labour, mediation, language and soft power came up, as well as the way we embed values (or power relations) into technologies.

Here's the recording of this session. I hope you enjoy it.

Watch the session

Read the research

‘Using humanity to change systems’ – understanding the work of online feedback moderation: A case study of Care Opinion Scotland

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Response from Berry2022 on

The link for the research on this page is not taking me to the paper but to some other research.  It appears the wrong link has been put on for this paper, however I have found the website for this research paper

Response from James Munro, Chief executive, Care Opinion on

Dear Berry2022

Many apologies for that, and thanks for letting us know. I have now fixed the link so it will get you to the right place.

Thanks again!


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