Care Opinion Spring Online Conference 2022 - Session 2 - Feedback at the end of life

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of Tim Hunt

Its been a privilege to have worked with hospices and a range of other end of life care services over the last 10 or more years here at Care Opinion.

It was especially good therefore that Saskie Dorman, Helen Snelgrove and Jackie Le Fevre were able to join us to describe their innovative and joined up approach in Dorset, bringing different providers together to both invite and learn from stories in their area. Jackie added value with her analysis of stories on the site which made for a fascinating and informative session.

I'm glad to say there was a great set of questions for our speakers to answer about the value of online feedback, the impact on staff and also some ideas for next steps.

We hope the session was helpful for all on the day and everyone accessing the video afterwards. There are some interesting lessons both for individual services and also for providers wanting to achieve a more collaborative approach.

Do contact the team on with any questions.

Slides are available for download below:


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