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Social Enterprise Yorkshire and Humber (SEYH) Awards 2022

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of Louise Scott-Carr

On Thursday 22nd September 2022, Sarah Ashurst, associate director and Tracy Molloy, subscriber services manager donned their evening attire and represented Care Opinion at the annual SEYH awards presentation evening, held at The Shay Stadium in Halifax.

The evening was an opportunity to celebrate the work of social enterprises over the last year (and have a get-together!). Care Opinion was nominated for the ‘Tech for Good’ award sponsored by ESP Projects. An award that recognises an organisation that identified a problem and sought to address this using unique and creative solutions.

We are thrilled to say that we won!

We could not be prouder of the recognition for the work of our wonderful team. And a special mention to our development team who work so hard to innovate and keep the site functioning so we can continue gathering invaluable stories and feedback.

One of the new features we are proud to shout about are invitation links. An invitation link is a way for a subscriber to ask for feedback about a specific service or issue. The invitation link takes the user straight to a simplified version of telling their story on Care Opinion, which is already linked to a chosen service.

Invitation links allow services to create unique feedback requests which are easy to track, and subsequently allows them to analyse their feedback more effectively.  Customisation brings many advantages: targeted reporting for services/specific projects, revalidation, reduced leaflet usage, and cost reduction. For more information about invitation links, click the following link blogs about invitation links

And, in the true spirit of what we do, it was nice to receive our feedback from the judging panel:

“The judges thought there was a clear understanding of the issue faced which they developed a solution for. They liked the fact there is ongoing continuous development and they take on board customer feedback to improve their service.”

We would also like to congratulate our fellow shortlisted social enterprise in this category, Treacle.me which is a free and easy-to-use social prescribing directory. To find out more about them, visit the Treacle me website

So, all that is left to say is well-done team Care Opinion and thank you to all those at SEYH for a wonderful evening, here’s to next year!

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