Webinar: Alerts, Reports & Visualisations

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of Lisa Dendy

On 26th of October, Fraser and Lisa led a webinar on alerts, reports and visualisations.

This webinar explains how to create and manage your alerts. You can also learn how to run reports and visualisations from the stories about your service. This session is great if you are responsible for showing how you drive quality improvement, and providing evidence of how you listen and change as a result of feedback.

You can learn how to:

  • Set up alerts
  • Understand the search facility
  • Explore how reports help you to drive change and improve quality
  • Learn how to use our reporting and visualisation tools in ways that will impress.

You can watch the session here:

Alerts, Reports and Visualisations - Care Opinion Webinar October 22 

You can find the presentation slides here: Alert-Reports-visualisations-presentation-Oct 22.pdf

Forthcoming training and support webinars

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Care Opinion Training & Support webinars 2022

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