Advanced moderation


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Providers which benefit from Advanced Moderation include:

  • General practices
  • Private providers
  • Third sector providers
  • Nursing and care homes 
  • Domiciliary care agencies
  • Other social care providers

Why does Care Opinion have advanced moderation?

Outside the NHS, care provider organisations can be extremely diverse. Some are large corporations, while others are small organisations of just a few people, or even just one person. They may be public, private or third sector. Many will be unfamiliar with public online feedback.

Advanced moderation offers the providers listed above a way to help ensure the quality of our moderation. They can double-check that postings about them are tagged to the right organisation and can be published.

For a provider new to Care Opinion, advanced moderation also gives an opportunity to understand the process of reading, responding to and learning from online feedback. It offers some additional reassurance and protection to providers and Care Opinion alike.

How advanced moderation works

Advanced moderation makes online feedback safe for patients and staff by enabling services to see stories after they have been approved by a Care Opinion moderator, but before they are published.

Care Opinion moderates stories in line with its standard moderation policy. If the story is approved, we will email providers (as listed above) the story is about, to offer an opportunity for review.

If you receive this email from us, you should follow the link in the email to read the story. If you have any concerns about our moderation of the story, you can ask us to review our decision to publish. You can do this on the same page, in the area below the story.

You must do this within 72 hours of receiving the email. If we do not hear from you within that time, the story will be published automatically.

Why might you ask us to review publication?

Reasons you might ask us to review a story could include:

  • We may have linked the story to your service incorrectly
  • The posting might be part of a formal complaint or other legal proceedings
  • The posting might accidentally identify a member of staff
  • The posting might risk causing harm to a patient/service user

If you wish us to review publication you should make sure you tell us your specific concerns about publication.

A senior moderator will review the story in the light of your concerns. We may need to contact you to discuss your concerns further, so please provide current contact details.

How can I respond to feedback about my service?

Care Opinion enables all providers to respond to feedback about their services.

  • A free registration will enable two staff from your organisation to be alerted to new feedback, and respond online.
  • Free registration offers only basic functionality. More advanced features and support are available through a paid subscription (see below).

Find out about free registration

How can I learn more about what is available?

The Care Opinion team supports a wide range of providers to use our online platform to hear from people who use services. Our service is nationally and internationally recognised for taking an innovative, accessible and person-centred approach to feedback, learning and improvement.

The impacts of online feedback include: resolution of concerns, service improvement, increased staff morale, building trust and understanding, and fostering an open, learning culture.

Care Opinion subscribers benefit from a wide range of online features along with support from our expert and experienced team.

More information about subscribing to Care Opinion

How to contact Care Opinion